#3 Paul Hallam: From DC to 7th - Vienna, a City to Stay

Show notes

From Washington DC to Vienna's Neubau: In our third episode, meet Paul Hallam, an American expat and successful real estate manager who traded Washington for Vienna's 7th district in 2011. With his partner Florian, he discovered the unmatched quality of life in Austria's capital. From the enchanting Spittelberg to late-night walks in Vienna's diverse and ever-changing 7th district, Paul shares the magic of his Vienna life. As a real estate enthusiast, he adores Vienna's "Altbau" charm. Don't miss Paul's tales of Vienna's Christmas markets, the vanishing "Wiener Grant," and the joys of embracing Austrian culture. Dive into Paul's Vienna journey, where his three dogs are cherished companions on this everyday adventure.

"One Day in Vienna" is a production by Happy House Media (https://happyhousemedia.wien) on behalf of INNES Institute Vienna. If you liked the show, feel free to subscribe to this podcast. New episodes are released weekly, every Tuesday. Tell your friends about it and leave us a 5-star rating on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Do you have questions or suggestions about the podcast or our course program? Write to us at marketing@actilingua.com. For photos and a behind-the-scenes look, follow us on Instagram @innesvienna, Facebook @INNES Institute Vienna and TikTok, or visit our website at https://innesvienna.net/. Thank you for listening and see you next time!

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