#2 Miglena Hofer: A Journey of Law, Love and Zwetschken

Show notes

In today's special episode, we have the pleasure of hosting Miglena Hofer, who has been calling Vienna home since 2012. Miglena, a licensed business consultant and mediator in Austria, is here to share her unique experiences, including insights from her special days in Vienna. Tune in as she recounts memorable moments, from studying and learning in Vienna to a delightful yet unexpected incident involving a pen mishap. Miglena also opens up about why she loves Vienna, unveiling the city's charm through her own lens. Known for her love of coffee, she is a natural-born bookworm and music enthusiast, skillfully balancing her roles as a business expert and a mom of two.

To delve deeper into Miglena's fascinating journey, feel free to connect with her on her website and social media accounts: www.miglenahofer.com / https://www.linkedin.com/in/miglena-hofer-b231798/ / https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100084216961279

"One Day in Vienna" is a production by Happy House Media (https://happyhousemedia.wien) on behalf of INNES Institute Vienna. If you liked the show, feel free to subscribe to this podcast. New episodes are released weekly, every Tuesday. Tell your friends about it and leave us a 5-star rating on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Do you have questions or suggestions about the podcast or our course program? Write to us at marketing@actilingua.com. For photos and a behind-the-scenes look, follow us on Instagram @innesvienna, Facebook @INNES Institute Vienna and TikTok, or visit our website at https://innesvienna.net/. Thank you for listening and see you next time!

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