#10 Gregory Weeks: Unraveling Vienna's Historical Tapestry

Show notes

Join us for an insightful journey with this week's guest, Gregory Weeks, originally from the USA, who has called Vienna home since 1995. Gregory is deeply passionate about contemporary history, in which he holds a doctorate. While Vienna thrives in the present, its rich history offers a compelling backdrop, especially for a historian like Gregory. Also, navigating Viennese culture isn't complete without regular visits to traditional coffeehouses like the Bräunerhof, where locals gather to fuel their days. From exploring historic places and figures to delving into Middle High German and Viennese literature, Gregory immerses himself in the city's cultural heritage, enriching his understanding of its past and present. It was during a humorous Culture Clash incident at the Police Office that he learned firsthand to tread carefully not to infringe on local customs. One better not dip into the tips of Viennese locals…

"One Day in Vienna" is a production by Happy House Media (https://happyhousemedia.wien) on behalf of INNES Institute Vienna. If you liked the show, feel free to subscribe to this podcast. New episodes are released weekly, every Tuesday. Tell your friends about it and leave us a 5-star rating on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. Do you have questions or suggestions about the podcast or our course program? Write to us at marketing@actilingua.com. For photos and a behind-the-scenes look, follow us on Instagram @innesvienna, Facebook @INNES Institute Vienna and TikTok, or visit our website at https://innesvienna.net/. Thank you for listening and see you next time!

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